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The Solar Chemicals Network are currently offering four types of Awards to UK SCN Members. 

These are for Travel, Carers, Outreach and Scientific Exchange/Collaboration.

Please read the information below carefully before submitting your applications.

Awards will be made in April and July 2025 and our final Awards in October 2025

Solar Chemicals Network Travel Awards

Awards are made quarterly our planned future calls (closing dates) are April, July and October 2025. and are open to UK based Solar Chemicals Network Members (join here) and based at a UK higher education institute. 


Awards will cover costs for:

  • Travel to attend conferences and events

  • Conference fees

  • Accommodation for the conference duration

  • Awards provide up to £450 for UK Meetings and £800 for International Meetings


Solar Chemicals Network Carers Award

(for those with childcare or other caring responsibilities)

The Solar Chemicals Network recognises that for some researchers caring responsibilites can present a major obsticle to event participation. We have therefore set up the Solar Chemicals Network Carers Fund to offset additional caring costs incurred by our members attending events.


This Fund is intended to assist Postgraduate Research Students (PGRs), Post-Doctoral Research Assistants (PDRAs) and Early Career Researchers (ECRs)* registered or employed by UK universities to present their work or participate at Solar Chemicals related events.


The Carers Fund is open to applicants four times a year, in line with the Travel Awards Scheme, our planned future calls (closing dates) are April, July and October 2025. It will contribute up to £500 towards the cost of additional caring costs incurred when attending our events (including online events).

As an example this fund could cover the costs of an extra day in nursery, to pay a registered childminder, or pay a respite carer for addtional care.

Such caring costs may occur if you are required to:


  • Participate in events on what would normally be a non-working day.

  • Work extended hours on a normal working day.

  • Attend meetings with overnight stays.

Solar Chemicals Network Outreach Award

Awards are made quarterly our planned future calls (closing dates) are April, July and October 2025 and are open to UK based Solar Chemicals Network Members (see website for joining). 

Assessment criteria: We will assess your application on the following criteria 1) Potential impact of the planned event/activity in raising awareness or understanding of solar to chemicals  (2) The nature of the audience targeted, with preference given to activities that lead to interaction with groups of people with a currently low level of awareness of solar to chemicals (3) The availability of alternative resources (to facilitate under-resourced groups access), (4) Past awards to the same individual.


Awards will cover costs for:

  • Small items for outreach

  • Travel

  • MAXIMUM of £1,000 can be awarded.


Awards will not cover:

  • Subsistence

  • Accommodation

  • Travel using a personal vehicle

  • Staff costs

Solar Chemicals Network Scientific Exchange/Collaboration Award

Awards are made three-monthly and our planned future calls (closing dates) are April, July and October 2025 and are open to UK based Solar Chemicals Network Members (see website for joining).  Assessment criteria can be found on the application form.  Please make sure you read the rules and information carefully before completing your application.


Awards will cover costs for:

  • Travel to enable partners to develop the proposed project (using public transport)

  • Accommodation

  • A MAXIMUM of £3000 can be awarded, but the value of the award requested needs full justification


These awards do not cover subsistence or research consumables/costs.


The Awards are designed to enable researchers to travel and collaborate with scientists at a different University/Institute (this could be in a different country) to work on a specific project and exchange knowledge. 


As an example, the award could cover the applicant visiting a like-minded team of scientists at another institute and cover the costs of their travel and accommodation throughout the visit.


An example would be visiting local schools or colleges to highlight work being undertaken in solar chemicals.  See our blog.








Department of Chemistry
Stephenson Institute for Renewable Energy

University of Liverpool,  UK

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